"Pokémon Generations"
- This is a Pokémon Gold (Rom Hack Series) well i made this game because of the first episode of Pokemon Generations "Short Film Anime" where RED (Pokémon Trainer) is traveling in other region, like from Kanto to Alola Region but not in one game because that's too impossible, so i will upload the game by region, (Sorry but i think making extra map is impossible) so i choose the Pokémon Gold because it has two map, so every series it has 2 map, like Kanto and Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos, And the alola region, i will try my best doin' this hack, well for more info just email me and for whose want to help me with this.
-Thankyou and sorry for wrong grammar because i am a Filipino. ✋ @IamDithsey
Story: Generation 1
* Red is a 10 yrs old boy, from Pallet town her mother told her that the famous professor Oak, is done with his project that can record the data of Pokémon the "Pokédex" (well nothing changes same with all known story) so Red is going to start a journey.
* Gen 1 - 2 coloured sprites
* Travel Kanto to Johto
* Repel System
* Egg hatch lvl 1
* Fairy type
* New Moves
* New Abilities
* New Items
* Mega Evolution
* Hard Difficulties
* and More!!
Pokémon Genarations
(Pokémon Gold Rom Hack)
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